5th list of 10: 10 sites I read regularly and why

As I started my 101 entry, I thought I should do something fun. Inspired by Polly, I have decided to make 10 lists of 10; here is number 5.

  1. BBC and NY Times. I also search for key words about human trafficking. Lots of interesting, scary, illuminating news. For example: this story with an interview of a trafficker.
  2. Myspace and Facebook to keep in touch with people.
  3. Jason in Japan which is written by someone close to my heart and contains lots of thoughtful pieces on life and philosophy as well as great photos.
  4. Mombian for LGBT news around the world. Also Lesbian Family
  5. Face the Sun, again written by someone I used to know, but very funny and very well written. Its about the travels of an American Foreign Service Officer. Also, The Wandering Gringo is another good blog about travel, specifically one trip by land from Chile to California.
  6. Hillary and Obama‘s blogs. I actually just stared reading, but since I am out of the country and not seeing the debates, this is how i keep up.
  7. Liza was Here, again someone I have known forever and who has a lot to say– plus an adorable kid.
  8. M|O|N|G|K|O|L, the blog of a Cambodian in America. I like seeing how he sees my home country, as I see his. Also, he is a wonderful photographer.
  9. Flickr because I love photos(both taking them and looking at them).
  10. Email, because, let’s face it, I am obsessed. I admit that I am one of those people who checks my email every 10 minutes and cannot seem to sit in a room with a computer without checking. Also, I am a huge gmail convert and love their chat and search features.

*** There are so many other blogs I read that I could have put here– but I was trying to spread out the subject matter a bit. ***


  1. July 9, 2007 at 6:19 pm

    So glad mine is among the 10 sites you read regularly. Thank you Clare. Likewise to yours. 🙂

  2. Liza said,

    July 9, 2007 at 10:44 pm

    Thanks, Clare! Interesting list of sites and reasons — I’m flattered to have made the cut!

  3. Heather said,

    July 10, 2007 at 7:26 pm

    I have read all your lists to date and find it very interesting to say the least. What very different worlds we live in!
    I’m sorry about your friend with malaria. I just read an article about it last night in National Geographic and it was a real wake up call. I had no idea it was still such an issue! The amount of children that die from it is just unimaginable!
    Can’t wait to see your next list and I am excited to see what you think of Chile!

  4. Clare said,

    July 13, 2007 at 1:25 pm

    Mongkol and Liza– you both more than deserve to be up there– as do many others.

    Heather– Thanks for the comments. I think the ability to meet people that live such different lives from your own and start to think about and appreciate those differences is one of the biggest strengths of the internet. Also, the chile post is up.

  5. July 14, 2007 at 12:38 pm

    Will you still be in Cambodia this August? I’ll be visiting home. Hope to see you.

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