Road Rules Part I: Blow Horn India

Truck, originally uploaded by coming2cambodia.

Although I have not actually driven a car in India, I have spent sometime over the past week observing the rules of the road. After careful consideration, I have come up with the following guidelines for correct horn usage a la India style.

  • Beep if you see a horse.
  • Beep if you see a cow.
  • Beep if you see a camel.
  • Beep if you see an elephant.
  • Beep if you see a pig.
  • Beep if you see another car.
  • Beep if you see a truck.
  • Beep if you see a motorcycle.
  • Beep if you see a toy car (technically these are known as autos—they are green and small and have three wheels, use CNG, and are everywhere).
  • Beep if you are about the merge.
  • Beep if you are illegally going through a red light.
  • Beep if you are not going to stop at the stop sign.
  • Beep if you are changing lanes.
  • Beep if you don’t believe in lanes.
  • Beep if you are about to get hit.
  • Beep if you think you are about to get hit.
  • Beep if you think the guy next to you is thinking of hitting you.
  • Beep if you are about to hit someone.
  • Beep if you are thinking about doing something that would hit someone.
  • Beep if you are about to hit something.
  • Beep if you are about thinking about doing something that would hit something.
  • Beep if you see an accident.
  • Beep if a car is stopped in front of you (in this case continue beeping until the person moves regardless of if they can do anything about it).
  • Beep if you haven’t hit your horn at any point in the past 30 seconds.
  • A single beep cannot count towards two of the above at once. For example if you see both another car that is about to hit you and a cow, you should beep three full times (once for the car, once for the cow, once for almost being hit)

Please keep in mind that while these general mandates are not followed by everyone and are not legally binding—they are the norm (and only slightly exaggerated- perhaps).


  1. Ramesh Natarajan said,

    June 19, 2007 at 10:23 pm


    As a global Indian, I regret for this. The lack of infrastructure makes things worse behind the attitude of the people that is changing slowly. For example, in Chennai, wearing helmat has been made mandatory by the Government. Such Improvements happen, but slowly in India, being a large country with diversified culture and minority governments…

    However, The future of Megacities in the world, you can see India 3 cities to count!! Do read my posting,

    h5>Megacities Of The Future


  2. Clare said,

    June 20, 2007 at 1:47 pm

    Hi Ramesh–

    Thank you for sharing your post. It was really interesting (anyone who hasn’t popped over should). I think traffic is a huge problem in any major city, any developing country, and most old cities (where streets are too narrow for our current cars). My comments on traffic were not meant to offend, it was more just the laugh out loud craziness of it all. That said, I have gotten several emails from friends around the world who swear their countries are worse (Senegal, Indonesia, etc.).

    More posts to come on India trip– which was amazing.

    Thanks for stopping by!


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